Aaron Florek

Executive Director at Millennium Power Services

Aaron Florek manages all aspects of sales, marketing and promotion for Millennium Power Services, its services and products. Focused on B2B marketing efforts to connect our offerings to potential customers, Aaron also brings extensive experience in business management and customer relations, which translates into a streamlined marketing operation for our company.

Aaron’s experience spans almost two decades of industrial marketing expertise in supply chain management, operations management, equipment manufacturing, installation, and service. Aaron’s unique contribution to the organization is his strong business sense, understanding of                    customer’s needs, and remarkable history of growing revenue and displacing competitors.

As Executive Director at Millennium Power Services, Aaron manages a variety of promotional efforts to cast an effective marketing net in the industry. From our website, to industry advertising, trade shows, and conferences, Aaron is actively looking for ways to enhance our company’s marketing strategies and public image initiatives. Aaron has successfully added a very strong representative network to grow Millennium’s presence across the US.

Aaron loves to spend time outdoors with his wife Kristen and his three boys – Andrew, Luke and Henry. His family enjoys hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, and hunting. They also to visit the beaches of Cape Cod in the summer and getting out to our cabin in NY in the Fall. There is also a great amount of time watching the boys play sports, whether it is lacrosse and Baseball in the Spring and Basketball in the Winter.

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